Kay Kohlmeyer, Mamoun Fansa (Hgg.)

Preserving the Archaeological Heritage in Aleppo and its Hinterland

2024, 391 Seiten, 13 Beiträge, 463 Abbildungen, Text in englischer Sprache with Ortsnamen in Arabisch, broschiert/Fadenheftung
2024, 391 pages, 13 essays, 463 figures, Text in English with place names in Arabic, paperback/sewn

ISBN 978-3-86887-054-1
Preis/price EUR 38,–

21 × 29,7cm (=A4) (B×H), 1400g

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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Contents
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Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Contents

Foreword and acknowledgements Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer

1. Project aims and procedures
(Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer)

2. Management of archaeological sites and databases: projects started by the DGAM
(Nazir Awad / Dima Achkar / Houmam Saad / Balsam Hassan)

3. Data structuring
(Tamader Almuftah / Mustafa Alnajjar / Roswitha Del Fabbro / Mamoun Fansa / Arie Kai-Browne / Youssef Kanjou / Kay Kohlmeyer)

4. Catalogue of sites and monuments
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Arabic adaptation Youssef Kanjou)

5. Documentation of pre-Hellenistic and Hellenistic structures in the area of the Old City of Aleppo, special requirements and strategy
(Kay Kohlmeyer, with contributions by Mustafa Alnajjar / Mamoun Fansa / Youssef Kanjou)

6. Documentation of sites in Google Earth
(Roswitha Del Fabbro / Youssef Kanjou)

7. Documentation of sites in Locus Map Pro 3
(Arie Kai-Browne)

8. Documentation of sites in QGIS
(Arie Kai-Browne, with contributions by Tamader Almuftah)

9. Damage assessment of sites
(Youssef Kanjou / Mustafa Alnajjar, with contributions by Zakeia Abdalhy / Desbina Baslan / Nigar Khojeh / Ahmad Othman / Ibrahim Al-Sulaiman / Batoul Sirees)

10. Guidelines for 3D documentation of small-scale excavations under difficult circumstances
(Arie Kai-Browne)

11. Summary of results and critical review
(Mamoun Fansa / Kay Kohlmeyer, with contribution by Arie Kai-Browne)

12. General bibliography

13. Presentations and lectures at conferences and workshops, project publications

14. List of participants of the project ›Preservation of the Archaeological Cultural Heritage in Aleppo and its Hinterland‹ (Aleppo Sites Project), and authors

15. Appendix: Dossiers on selected sites
(Roswitha Del Fabbro, with contributions by Youssef Kanjou / Mustafa Alnajjar / Kay Kohlmeyer)

16. Appendix: Destruction of archaeological sites in the ᶜAfrin Valley and its surroundings
(Kay Kohlmeyer)

Acknowledgments and photo credits

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Aus dem Inhalt / excerpts from the content:

Foreword (excerpt)

When Mamoun Fansa met with Kay Kohlmeyer at one of Mamoun's legendary dinners in the summer of 2017 to discuss how best to support the Antiquities Service in Aleppo in carrying out its tasks professionally during and after the conflict, it quickly became clear that both had a different starting perspective: Mamoun was particularly concerned about the archaeological remains in the Old City of Aleppo – no wonder: he is from Aleppo, and he has repeatedly dealt with the destruction of the Old City as a world heritage site with various publication and conferences since 2013. Kay saw great dangers for the sites in the hinterland – in interpreting his excavations of the temple of the Weather God on the Citadel of Aleppo, it became clear how much the close and wider surroundings must be included in the considerations.

It was obvious that both points of view complemented each other wonderfully, and work on a strategy should begin quickly. Thus, in the atmosphere of lavish oriental hospitality owed to Mamoun and his wife Hayfa, the project described below was born, which now, after four years, has come to what we consider an extremely positive conclusion.

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